Tuesday 19 January 2021

Caring tips for senior dogs

     From a bouncy, goofy cupcake to a brave and magnificent adult, you and your dog have spent many years together while playing, running around ,making stupid games etc. and your pooch still lives doing same but only difference is that he is less active now, he gets tired easily, his naughtiness is receding day by day, his beautiful muzzel is going grey, he is panting most of the times which means he is turning old.

Seeing your pooch turning old is a privilege. Though they have always been a puppy for us, they lived up gracefully in their canine years as well as in human years.

On an average dogs around 8-9 years old are considered as senior dogs, but their seniority also depends upon their breed. Larger breeds like great dane are generally considered old at the age of 7-8 years whereas smaller breeds like Terriers and Chihuahuas reach their golden years by the age of 11-12  years.

“A dog will teach you unconditional love. If you can have that in your life, things won’t be too bad.”

Just like medical science is enhancing the life span of human beings, proper care and attention can also help your pooch to live a long and happy life even when he is old. Let's discuss how.

Tips to take care of senior dogs

  • Dental care

Just like us humans dogs dental situation also tends to deteriorate with age which requires special care especially in senior days of their life. Regular brushing and taking care of their dental hygiene can prevent them from tooth decay and dental pain resulting in avoiding meals which can make them weak. Brush your four legged friends teeth often and if they don't let you do it use dental toys or get professional help.

  • Steps and stairs

Your pooch's joint must be getting stiff and painful which can stop them from jumping on sofas and beds or even coming close to you  just to snuggle. Use steps and romps to let them enter the car, furniture or bed comfortably

  • Environment

Senior dogs are more sensitive to heat and cold then their own younger version. Keep environment inside house pleasant in all weathers too much cold can affect their joint whereas to much heat can make them uncomfortable and can lead to serious problems.

  • Accessibility

Making your house more accessible for senior dogs can ease their life significantly. Try arranging food bowls, toys near their bed so that they don't have to move around in whole house to find something to play with.

  • Quiet time

Senior dogs normally lose their track of time which can make them sleep anytime of the day or night. Provide a quiet and comfortable  environment to them so they can relax.

  • Diet

Contrary to popular belief, senior dogs required more protein to get their system to work fine. Changing their diet by reducing carbohydrates as it will make them gain weight, adding protein for reducing muscle mass and some supplements like glucosamine and fish oil to reduce joint pain.

  • Puppy pads


Old age is like a second childhood in some context for dogs as well as us humans. Remember how you potty trained your puppy all those years ago, well, he has become the  same poop machine again. Old dogs tend to lose control and accidents can happen easily. Use puppy pads for your senior dogs to let them do their deed with comfort.

  • Togetherness


You dog was always very needy of you and now he needs you even more. Spending some quality time together with your pooch can be very calming and comforting for them. Also this is your best time to love them to life before it's too late.

  • Visit vet often

Visiting to the vet once every two weeks is always advisable for senior dogs as they can develop problems very much faster than young dogs. It also ensures sound clinical health and less discomfort.

  • Therapy


Therapies like acupuncture and messages can be used to relieve pain and stiffness in your senior dog. Giving messages or getting them messaged form a professional can increase blood flow which can be very useful and calming for your dog.

  • Mental stimulation

Even though your dog is not willing to play with you any longer, training them and practicing new tricks can help them cope up with the boredom and stress and also provides valuable personal time with them.

  • Beds

As an adult dog you pooch mostly prefers to sleep on the floor in hot humid days but now at this age they require more comfortable beds in order to save their joints to get hurt. Sleeping on hard surfaces can also cause arthritis which can lead to more problems to your pet.

  • Supplements

Adding supplements like glucosamine and omega-3 fatty acids can promote joint mobility and decrease bone decay or other bones and joint related issues in them. Also supplementing with digestive enzymes and probiotics can help up with digestive problems and other major organ failures.

There is a lot we can do to make our dog have a good time. By providing them good nutritional food, ample amounts of care and by adjusting their surroundings, so they can be healthy,happy and comfortable for the years to come.

“It`s not how old they are, it`s how they are old.”

Sunday 17 January 2021


 Is your dog really healthy?

Have you noticed anything strange in them?

Signs of illness like thinning coat, darkening skin, replication of digestive issues, eyes discharge in your dog? 

And you are not sure what it can be…

A problem that is faced by lots of my fellow dog parents is that they are not able to feed ample amounts of zinc to their pooch.

Zinc is  the second most useful trace mineral in a dog's body after iron. And the problem is that our pooches cannot store zinc in their bodies. That's why maintaining a balanced diet as well as a balanced intake of zinc is most prominent.


Zinc deficiency is more common in large breeds like Huskies, malmulates, German shepherd and great Danes etc. But it doesn't mean that other medium or small dog breeds cannot have zinc deficiency though chances of zinc deficiency is quite rare in those breeds.

Zinc supports growth, immunity, thyroid functions, skin and coat health, metabolism, protein synthesis, and normal cell development in our pooch's body. Hence deficiency of such crucial minerals can be fatal for our dogs. But don't get carried away by the benefits of zinc as excessive zinc can lead to organ failures and seizures and can be life threatening to our dogs.

Therefore it is vital to understand the symptoms of zinc deficiency first.


Symptoms of zinc deficiency

  • Lack of Appetite

  • Chronic digestive problems

  • Darkening of skin

  • Thyroid issues

  • Dermatosis

  • Poor growth

  • Thickening/ cracking of paw pads

  • Crusted skin

  • Lost of desire to breed in male dogs.

  • Disturbed heat cycle in females

  • Lethargy

  • Hair loss, thinking of coat

  • Poor or delayed healing of wounds

  • Dark patches on muzzle and around eyes.

Preventing zinc deficiency

Not only our dogs are not able to store zinc in their bodies but also they absorb only 5-40% from total amount of zinc they consumed which makes it even more difficult to fulfill their daily zinc requirements. Though it is always recommended to consult a veterinarian in case you find any or most of the symptoms mentioned above to get a proper supplement for your dog.

There are certain factors that can also promote mal-absorption of zinc in our dogs.

  1.  Too much plant in their diet as "phylate" is a substance present in plants that hinders zinc absorption.

  2. Calcium can also interfere with zinc absorption hence a diet rich in calcium can also promote zinc deficiency

  3. Digestive ailments can also decrease the rate of zinc absorption in their body

  4. Genetic inability to absorb zinc efficiency can also be a cause of zinc deficiency.


Foods of zinc

  1. Raw fish

  2. Lamb and mutton

  3. Legumes

  4. Cashew

  5. Almonds, but in control as it can cause digestive problems

  6. Chickpeas but only fresh ones avoid processed or canned, like hummus.

  7. Pumpkin seeds

  8. Chicken and duck

  9. Fish oil but avoid cod liver oil

  10. Eggs

  11. Beef

Excessive zinc

Even though zinc sounds like one of the best minerals for our dogs, too much zinc can be very toxic for them. A general rule of thumb is to provide 1mg of zinc per 2 lbs of body weight which means 25 mg of zinc for a 50 lbs dog.

Symptoms of excessive zinc absorption are

  1. Lack of Appetite

  2. Vomiting

  3. Jaundice

  4. Anemia

  5. Seizures

  6. Orange colored urine and feces.

  7. Diarrhea 

Initially a dog may have an upset stomach which can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, inappetance to black tarry stool which can further lead to dehydration and lethargy.

Longer exposure to higher doses of zinc can lead to yellow appearance of eyes, skin and gums in our dog resulting in jaundice.

Consult a veterinarian immediately in such case as it's a life threatening matter and only a veterinarian can help in interfering zinc absorption so that zinc toxicity can be cured in our dogs.


Zinc poisoning

Not only by supplementing too much zinc,  but so

swallowing certain household items can cause zinc poisoning in dogs. Items such as 

  • Coins and pennies 

  • Cold creams

  • Sunscreen lotions

  • Pieces of metal especially copper 

  • Toys

  • Jewelry


Consult your veterinarian if you doubt that your pooch is swallowed something that he/ she shouldn't. An x-ray is advisable to find the swallowed item.

That was all we should know about zinc, being a dog's parents.

Remember it is very little we can do to cure zinc deficiency or excessiveness of zinc also in case of zinc poisoning.

Consulting a veterinarian before deciding yourself that your pooch has zinc deficiency can cause serious damage to your their life. 

Feel free to comment about how insightful this article was for you and please mention if I missed something.

Happy parenting 

Monday 11 January 2021

Home remedies for fungal infection in dogs

Yeast infections or fungal infections are fairly common in dogs and are often difficult to treat.

Firstly it is essential to confirm the type of fungal infection before treating it.

Being a pet parent and a huge fan of home remedies, today we will discuss about, how we can treat and prevent our pooch from fungal infection, both localized and systemic. Home remedies are not only easier to administer and can prevent our fur buddies way before they get this nasty infection, they are proven to be way more safer and has almost no side effect in comparison to any medicine, topical spray or medicated shampoo.Also home remedies can work wonders if used along with veterinary medicines.

let's get started!!!

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid and caprylic acid which are proven to treat fungal infection in humans and can be used for dogs as well. Feeding one to two spoons for small dogs and a tablespoon for large dogs along with their food is the easiest way to administer coconut oil. Not only internally but coconut oil can also be applied on the infected area to hinder the growth of fungus on skin. Coconut oil also balance thyroid helping dogs to maintain healthy weight which makes them more energetic, another bonus benefits of coconut oil are improved digestion, maintain skin and coat health, reduce allergic reaction, etc.



Yeast cells normally live on dogs skin without causing any health issues. Yeast infections are caused by colonization of these yeast microorganism due to an imbalance of good bacteria and bad bacteria. Hench feeding your pooch a diet full of good bacteria or probiotics like curd, buttermilk etc. can help in not only controlling the growth of yeast cells but can also protect them from getting yeast infection again.


Apple cider vinegar

From flea and tick repellent to fighting yeast infection apple cider vinegar a.k.a. ACV's anti fungal, anti bacterial and antiseptic properties can work wonders for our pets health. In some studies it is also proven that ACV also eases joint pain. Use equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spray it on the infected area. Make sure not to spray on any wound and broken skin else Tommy will be yelping all over the place as it has strong stinging sensation.


Everyone knows the benefits for Neem. It's anti fungal and anti bacterial properties are not only surpassing for us humans but are also beneficial for our furry friends. To treat fungal infection of our canine companion Neem can be used in form of oil or boil some Neem leaves in water for around 30-40 minutes then sift the leaves and water. Neem infused water can be used as topical spray when cools down on the other hand make paste of boiled Neem leaves and use it as a paste on the infected area to eliminate the yeast infection.



Filled with "curcumin" a powerful anti- inflammatory and anti fungal agent makes it an ideal substance to use against  fungal infection. In some studies it is also proven that turmeric shows better results than "fluconazol" an anti fungal drug. So you can add just a pinch of turmeric in your dog's food twice or thrice a week or mix some with the coconut oil and apply on the affected area 



Filled with allicin, garlic is not only known for controlling the growth of fungal spores but also proven to protect against the ability of fungal microbes to attach themselves with skin cells. Garlic is more effective raw as compared to cooked as allicin gets damaged by heat. Add freshly chopped garlic cloves with olive oil in your pets food, you can also add some apple cider vinegar with garlic cloves to make the mixture more effective.


With this as well as previous article topic of yeast/ fungal infection is now concluded. Please feel free to share your views and don't resists to follow and share and comment to provide more information about yeast infection.

Saturday 9 January 2021

How to identify and treat fungal infection in dogs.

When we hear about fungal infection in our dogs we only think about their skin but fungal infection can also affect our dogs from inside.

Fungal infections in dogs are very common, almost 90% of dogs have fungal infection at least once in their life. Understanding fungal infection is the key for a successful treatment.

Fungus are naturally occurring organisms and are present globally in numerous form. These fungal spores either attaches themselves with the skin or ingress in our pooch's system through breathing or licking on infected substances.


Two major types of fungal infections are external a.k.a. localized and internal a.k.a. systemic fungal infection.

Let's learn more about these infections and their symptoms.

Localized fungal infection

Ring worm- Contrary to the name ring worm fungal infection has nothing to do with a worm. It is a common fungal infection and subsists on the skin and nails of our dog. Very itchy and mostly uncomfortable red, roughly circular lesion on the skin is the common sight of it. It is highly contagious and can affect humans too.


Yeast dermatitis- Every dog has a certain amount of yeast on their skin and coat but the infection starts when these yeast starts growing uncontrollably. If your dog is suffering from yeast dermatitis or yeast infection they indicate following symptoms.

Musty odor
Itching and redness
Darkly pigmented skin
Scaly, crusty and flakey skin
Hair loss with excessive itching


Systemic infections.

This type of fungus is mostly found in decaying wood and wet soil. Dogs who often play or live near lakes have more chances to inhale or swallow this fungus and get infected. It is a horrible yet treatable fungal infection. Male dogs are more prone to this infection as compared to females. Symptoms may include

Skin lesions
Unexplainable Weight loss 
Inflammation in iris (eyes)


This infection is also known as pulmonary blastomycosis and can compromise our pooch's entire respiratory system.

CryptococcosisThis fungus grows in decaying vegetation and bird droppings. They are generally associated with legions and eucalyptus trees but can be found world wide. This infection generally enters in our dog's body by inhaling and indicate following symptoms

Weight loss 
Lack of appetite
Skin hovering
Diarrhea and vomiting 
Nasal discharge

Nasal aspergillosis- Most common internal fungal infection in dogs caused by molds present in dust, hay, straw etc. It is quite harmless for our dogs but can affect senior dogs and those who are already under treatment or have weaker immunity. Synonyms may include

Reduced appetite
Nasal discharge
Nose bleeding.



Fungal infections can be treated both topically and internally depending upon their type. Oral medicines can also be administered for external infections along with topical sprays and ointments whereas internal fungal infections can only be treated by oral medications, injection, syrups and nasal drops. 

Keep an eye for symptoms mentioned above for these fungal infections. While internal fungal infections are easy to treat, are often difficult to recognize and can be very fatal for our pooch and can only be treated by the veterinarians' help whereas external infections are more contagious and take somewhere from a month to an year to be treated completely. 

Preventing your beloved fur buddy from situations like decaying woods and vegetables, bird droppings and shabby trees is always advised.

Certain home remedies can also be used along with the medical treatment to control both internal and external fungal infection from progressing.

Subscribe and follow our Instagram page to learn about the home remedies to cure and prevent fungal infections and ensure your pooch's healthy lifestyle.